When you are stuck inside during the cold winter months, you can still find ways to get your nature fix. We invite you to view beautiful photos now on exhibit at the Shoal Creek Conservation Education Center, 201 W. Riviera Dr., Joplin, MO. Photographer, Amy Watts, is one of many new trainees to join our Missouri Master Naturalists Chert Glades Chapter.
Nature Photography by Amy A. Watts
Nature and photography have always been interests of mine, but the combination of the two didn’t come together for me until about 5 years ago after we moved to Missouri. I had always taken pictures of my family, interesting architecture and eventually my children, but never nature. Nature for me was always time spent planting flowers and learning about grasses and trees with my Mom and Dad. When it finally occurred to me that I could enjoy both together it became a hobby that I knew I could enjoy for the rest of my life.
Nature photography is so many things to me. It is a relaxing, educational, awe-inspiring way to spend time outdoors and it is a source of happiness where I can involve my whole family. My husband, two children and I spend full days exploring backroads and trails to take in the beauty offered by our surroundings. The kids are amazing spotters and my husband is always willing to drive wherever I’d like to explore. It is truly amazing what our area has to explore and experience. I sincerely hope that you enjoy the photographs and that they inspire you to get out and explore our wonderful area as well.
Amy Watts
Female Orchard Oriole