Our partners share a mission for natural resource-related outcomes in our communities and benefit from our local service projects.
The Wildcat Glades Nature Group Board of Directors is made up of dedicated community leaders who care deeply about Wildcat Park and the surrounding natural environment. We strive to work closely with the City of Joplin, Jasper County and the Missouri Department of Conservation to assist with the care and development of the park as well as providing educational opportunities to the community.
The Missouri Stream Team is a community-based coalition of people who perform litter pick up, storm drain stenciling, water quality monitoring, and more. Their goals are to educate people about the importance of stream ecosystems and offer stewardship of streams including litter pick-up, water quality monitoring, storm drain stenciling, and more. They also advocate on behalf of issues that affect streams.
The Missouri Department of Conservation is always looking for volunteers to help at nature centers, conservation areas, and shooting ranges in a variety of roles. You can find more information and opportunities by visiting their website by clicking the logo.
The National Park Service is also looking for volunteers to help at NPS managed areas. George Washington Carver National Monument is in need of volunteers to greet people and help out.
The Missouri Prairie Foundation is a private, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) prairie conservation organization and land trust governed by a volunteer board of directors. A staff of four carries out daily operations of the organization and several technical advisors provide valuable technical assistance. Numerous, valued volunteers assist with prairie management and outreach activities.
The Shoal Creek Conservation Education Center is your local connection to Missouri's fish, forests and wildlife. Stop by this Center to check out the native plant landscaping, exhibits, or to hike the trails. You can also stop by to purchase a fishing or hunting permit, attend a nature program, or watch for wildlife along the trails and banks of Shoal Creek.
Ozark Gateway Audubon Society is the chapter local to the Chert Glades area and part of the National Audubon Society.
Tallgrass prairies once covered more than a third of Missouri; today, less than 1% remains, much of it preserved at Prairie State Park. Visitors to the park see panoramic vistas of swaying grass and ever-changing wildflowers. They also may spot the park’s resident bison herd. The park’s Regal Tallgrass Prairie Nature Center offers exhibits and interpretive programs designed to inform visitors about the special place.
George Washington Carver National Monument highlights Carver’s contributions to science and includes a museum, theater, discovery center, and The Park Store, a gift shop operated by the Carver Birthplace Association. Step outside and experience Carver’s outdoor “lab” by walking the nature trails (one is paved) and visiting the 1881 Moses Carver house and Carver cemetery. Enjoy a picnic at the creekside picnic area. Guided tours are offered daily.
Visitors to Neosho National Fish Hatchery can view exhibits in the visitor center during open hours. This includes exhibits on the history of the fish hatchery and an aquarium containing native fish. Visitors are encouraged to walk the 1/3 mile loop around the grounds and look at fish in the ponds and raceways. The grounds also boast four picnic shelters which can be used for small gatherings.
Ozark Land Trust is a not for profit organization whose mission is to help landowners preserve and protect the nature, history, and heritage of the Ozarks forever. With Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, and Oklahoma land trusts, OLT has more than 28,000 acres protected from urban development and subdivision. The way this is achieved is through various methods that include conservation easements, nature preserves, and partnerships with conservation organizations.
The Joplin Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for the City's recreational programs and maintains 22 City-owned parks and greenways. Other facilities include Memorial Hall, 3 aquatic centers, 4 cemeteries, Joe Becker Stadium, the Joplin Athletic Complex, and Schifferdecker Golf Course.
Founded in 1988, the MAKO Fly Fishers were created to provide local fly fishing enthusiast, beginners as well as seasoned experts, the opportunity to find fellowship, resources and the opportunity to meet others that share their interest in fly tying, fly fishing and to enjoy unique destinations all over the country. If you have passion for fly-fishing and are looking for a fly fishing club that shares your interest, please take time to check us out.
The National Association for Interpretation (NAI) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit professional organization dedicated to advancing the profession of heritage interpretation, currently serving about 6,500 members in the United States and over thirty other nations. Individual members include those who work at parks, museums, nature centers, zoos, botanical gardens, aquariums, historical and cultural sites, commercial tour companies, and theme parks.
The mission of DarkSky Missouri is to raise awareness about light pollution issues in Missouri, promote quality outdoor lighting, protect our natural environment and our beautiful night sky, and educate the public how reducing light pollution can lower energy costs.