Image courtesy of Missouri Department of Conservation
It’s that time of year again! Warm weather is upon us and we’ve had an abundance of rain. I’m betting there are some containers in your yard holding some of that water. Guess what’s happening in those containers? Mosquito love - baby mosquitoes are hatching. What does this mean? Well, you’re hosting mosquito nurseries in your own yard. And, if you like being outdoors, as most of us do, you are giving them a buffet of fresh blood to dine on.
So, what can you do? You have to start removing the water from all the containers in your yard. Take inventory. Here are some of the places mosquitos may breed: clogged rain gutters, lids (garbage cans, etc.), plant trays, children’s toys, buckets, old tires, wading pools, bird baths, trash barrels, and more. Some of these things you can fix easily. Some will require weekly checks to make sure the water isn’t returning. It only takes a small amount of water for mosquitoes to breed. Empty it all. If your children play in wading pools, they should be emptied once a week. If you have a backyard pool, keep it treated and keep the water moving. Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis) is safe additive that you can add to standing water. It attacks the larvae of the mosquito. It would be something you could add to standing water that is difficult to remove regularly - ponds, large puddles in ditches, etc.
As outdoor nature lovers, we all want to spend as much time outdoors as possible. And, we would love to do it using fewer pesticides and insecticides. So, get out there and empty those water containers!
By: Katharine Spigarelli, Chert Glades Missouri Master Naturalist, class of 2010, Retired School Counselor, Carl Junction Junior High, Nature lover, outdoor enthusiast, recycling fiend (ha!)