A volunteer challenge going on Nov 1-10th was brought to the Chert Glades Chapter’s attention Thanks to chapter member Scott Butler who was willing to volunteer and help coordinate two separate days, this challenge was successfully completed. The Joplin Creek runs through Joplin from 20th Street north through Murphy Blvd Park, Ewert Park, and follows the railroad tracks and Landreth Park eventually flowing into Turkey Creek.
Chert Glades Missouri Master Naturalist dug into the trash along Joplin Creek in Landreth Park, filled up a pickup truck in 2.5 hours, and made a difference.
For two consecutive days, the Chert Glades Chapter targeted trash along Joplin Creek in Landreth Park, ultimately collecting a half-ton of discards!
Volunteers sorting through the debris getting the trash.
Collecting trash bags from the pickup.
Volunteers with the results of their hard work. Scott B., Mie A. and Shayla L.
The result after the 2-day clean up. What a difference it made.