Posts filed under EDUCATION

Meet The Cicada By Kelly Hock

           Not all people are bug people, but I have found that sometimes a little information can go a long way toward stemming fear, so let me introduce you to the harmless and annual Scissor-Grinder Cicada.

The Scissor -Grinder Cicadas are the bulging-eyed, shell-leaving creatures that crawl out of the ground and buzz around like giant, hyper, intoxicated bugs on a mission, quickly flying into things during the dog days of summer here in Missouri. Cicadas are often seen being devoured by ants on a sidewalk or being chased and swatted at by cats and dogs like a new play toy, until they become a treat. 

           Named for their song sounding like scissors being sharpened on an old-time grinding wheel, the Scissor Grinder Cicada in Missouri, Neotibicen pruinosus, is an "annual" cicada. Their life cycle begins with the females laying eggs in small branches on trees and woody plants. Once they hatch, the nymphs drop to the ground and burrow down to reach a root, suck sap, and grow and molt several times. Eventually, they use their feet designed for digging and clinging to make their way back up to the surface. From there the fully developed nymphs take an epic journey to find a place to exit and leave their shell. You can find tiny ½ inch holes in the ground around trees where you see their shells or exuviae. Once a spot has been selected, the cicada begins its transformation by pushing out its head, then thorax, elegantly leaning backward and bending upside down like Cirque Du Solei contortionists. At the last moment they are hanging so far out that it appears they will assuredly fall to their doom. Then the cicadas gracefully and extremely slowly reach forward, grabbing the head of the shell from which they are emerging, and gently release the rest of their body. The cicadas hang on to the heads of their exuviae; bodies stretched out, their wings slowly unfolding in such silent, minuscule amounts it is almost imperceptible. Once their wings are entirely revealed, they go through their final steps of transformation. The cicada goes through unsuspected and beautiful hues of gold on the way; their bodies and wings change colors and harden, becoming the adult Scissor-Grinder. These are reminiscent to what we have come to see all these summers. Once a fully transformed adult, the scissor grinder only lives 4-5 weeks.

           The scissor -grinding buzz we hear is the mating call of the male, who emerges first. He makes his call, which can individually be as loud as a lawnmower, by expanding and contracting his tymbal near the wings on the sides of his abdomen. The female, who emerges a few days later, responds by clicking its wings together to alert males to her location. She will only mate once, so she may not accept her first suitor. You can imitate the female’s clicking response by snapping your fingers at a slow yet steady pace but be aware; it calls a male cicada which might land on you. (If interested, one can easily watch video examples with a quick internet search) After mating, the female begins her hunt for the perfect sized branch of a quarter to half an inch diameter, to hide her eggs. She will make several tiny slits and lay her eggs 20-40 at a time, laying a total of 200-400 eggs. Once fully transformed from a nymph, the adult scissor-grinders only live 4-5 weeks.       

Ten Myths, Facts, & Benefits of Cicadas

 1.    Cicadas are not locusts. Locusts are the things of biblical plagues, a type of grasshopper devouring plants and leaves. Cicadas suck the sap and are incapable of chewing and devouring anything. Cicadas aren’t primarily beneficial.

 2.    Cicadas do not attack anything and do not bite. Not only do they not bite, they cannot bite. They don't have chewing/chomping mouthparts. They are designed to suck sap and could not bite you if they wanted to. If they fly into you, I promise it was not an intentional attack. Everything seems to eat these bugs, and it just desires evasion; sometimes it isn't very good at it.

 3.    Pretty much everything that can eat a cicada eats cicadas. That includes people around the world. Cicadas have as much protein as red meat. They contain all nine amino acids, making them a complete protein and an excellent source of antioxidants.

 4.     Although saplings or small woody plants made up of primarily small branches can suffer irreparable damage due to the females' egg-laying, Cicadas do not harm adult established trees. Cicada nymphs feed on the sap in the roots, which takes some of the nutrients, but this has not been known to damage trees. Cicadas can also benefit established trees by aerating the ground, pruning the small branches, and their dead bodies give nitrogen back to the soil.

 5.    Most all other insects that leave an exuvia, eat it. Cicadas don't because they don't have the mouthparts.

6.    The exuviae of cicadas have been used in traditional medicines throughout history for ailments such as migraines, inflammation, cancer, convulsions, and more, but WARNING it is known to be dangerous for pregnant women.

 7.    You can tell females and males apart by their abdomen. The females' abdomens come to a pronounced dark point, and males are more domed: think “shield bug”.

 8. There are over 3,000 types of cicadas—Periodicals that emerge in 7,13, and 17-year intervals and Annuals, which is a misnomer, that emerge every 2-5 years with overlapping generations.

9.    All cicadas have the same life cycle. They only vary in how long they stay underground. Some ponder if the 13 and 17-year cicadas may emerge during prime years to avoid predators' cycles and avoid becoming prey for other animals.

 10. The fluctuating seasons are believed to be affecting the emergence time of some cicadas as some broods are emerging early.

*Photos courtesy of Kelly Hock and MDC

Posted on August 31, 2021 and filed under EDUCATION, Insects.

Dragonflies as Ecological Indicators

Dragonflies Are Masters of Flight! Click her to learn more. Join us and discover some nymph dragonflies and other tiny water critters that reside in our streams. We will conduct a biological water quality demo at 12:00, April 27th, at the Earth & Arbor Day celebration in Landreth Park. We are looking for Wonderful, Wacky Water Critters. Join us at creekside and learn what they can tell us about our water quality.

Posted on April 24, 2019 and filed under NATURAL HAPPENINGS, EDUCATION, EVENTS.

Hidden Signs of Spring by Kevin Mouser

The spring colors are on the way! Trees are showing signs of life with buds getting green, birds are returning from vacations in the Southern Hemisphere, and the peepers are keeping us up at night with their mating calls from any little wet area near our houses. These are all clear signs of spring. Many of us spend the better part of February and March repeating a mantra of “spring is just around the corner.” When we gather with our friends, neighbors, loved ones and fellow employees the conversation often turns to signs of spring. There is one sign of spring that many of us don’t even know about even though we drive past it, or over it, every day.

Every spring, as the cycles of light change, and the water begins to flow a little more regularly; the streams of the Ozarks begin to color up. The color comes in the forms of red, blue, and green scales on small, unknown fishes. Not unlike the migration of the birds back to our forests, the fish regain their color for spring breeding on their own time schedule. Some of them like to breed early, when only the most die-hard fish-head would consider going into a stream to look for them. Some, not unlike most of us, enjoy the warmth of a late spring day to strut our stuff. With the exception of a few of the dry or hot months of the late summer or fall, there is almost always a fish in breeding colors in Missouri.

Here in the deepest of Southwest Missouri we have several species of darter, a bottom dwelling, small fish that loves to dress to impress in the early spring. The male orange throat darter sports a beautiful combination of red and blue in his fins. These guys can be so colorful that is possible to see their colors from the shore. If you want to see one though you will have to look in the cool spring fed waters that they prefer. Greenside and banded darters both sport a coat of emerald green when they are trying to attract the attention of the ladies. You will find both of these in bigger streams like Shoal Creek, and around vegetation where their brilliant green isn’t quite so obvious. Stippled darters are a less common, but beautiful species of our small creeks. Like the orang throat darters they prefer the small springs and cool waters. They spend much of their time around vegetation. When they are trying to attract a mate they sport a bright orange belly, while the rest of the body turns very dark. They are quite the little gem to pull out of a mass of submerged weeds. These are just a few of the colorful darters of Southwest Missouri.

Spring is on the way. The darters know it, the robins know it and judging by the number of times I have glanced out the window longingly as I write this, I know it too. Brave the cold and rain a bit and get outside and welcome it. If bravery is calling your name, maybe you will even put on a pair of rubber boots and go look for some hidden signs of spring in your local streams. However you want to greet spring, please take the time to leave it a little better than you found it.

Kevin Mouser is a member of the Chert Glades Master Naturalist Chapter.  He is the Special Education Science teacher, Ecology teacher and Science Club sponsor at East Newton High School. When he is not teaching, driving a school bus or sleeping, he really enjoys spending time with his wonderful wife Cristal and getting into the great waters of the Missouri Ozarks.

Photography by Kevin Mouser and Becky Wylie

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A Happy Ending With a Touch of Class By Jeff Cantrell

Field notes and photographs by J. Cantrell

I was ten and participated on my first guided hike and it just so happened to be in amazing Yellowstone.  My folks are national park enthusiasts and my mom’s mission this trip was to grant her young conservationist the gift of a rare wildlife experience.

When we think of wildlife, endangered species stories frequently emerge and they have a gloom and doom undertone to them.  Biologists strategize on how to reverse the decline of the population while the nature-loving communities offer support any way they can contribute.  So unfortunately when the subject regarding threatened species comes up we are prepared for a grim outcome.

The trumpeter swan is the largest of North American waterfowl and surely one of the most stunning. The trumpeters to me simply symbolize all that is graceful and stylish in nature.  A swimming swan resembles an ice skater’s refined glide and their reflection appears to pursue the bird on a blue or silver mirror.  The adults are a crisp bright white, while the juvenile’s plumage matches the winter sky.  They are a true conservation success story recovering from brutal market hunting for their skin, feathers and meat.  Quill feathered pens were a favorite instrument of John James Audubon to tailor the groundwork sketches for his celebrated bird paintings.  The swan feathers inflated pillows and mattresses for the aristocrats and colonists to rest well and dream of the promises of a fresh America.  The trumpeter swan contributed a great deal to our pioneer heritage and we find their presence carved on furniture, printed on currency notes, in Native American culture, and much more.

They emerge from a population less than 70 trumpeters in all of Canada and the lower 48.  They rode the conservation/preservation wave of early conservation laws and the collapse of plume hunters and feather fashions.  Heroes like Teddy Roosevelt, George Melendez Wright and William Hornaday were in their corner.  Today, our area benefits from captive conservation breeding flocks of Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.  It is fortunate the birds don’t recognize state borders and so we benefit from trumpeter swans vacationing here during the winter.  After being completely absent, I have now witnessed them steadily increase in our area every single winter these past 20 years.  Their occurrence restores their place in our culture and history; they certainly glide across our view with a wonderful sense of style.  The story of the trumpeter swan is a real conservation story. I love happy endings especially when they have a touch of class.

I look forward to seeing you on the trail. – Jeff