Shoal Creek Conservation Education Center
It’s almost here! Can you feel the excitement in the air? It’s almost like Christmas in May! On Saturday, May 27, 2023, we are hosting a native plant sale and pickup here at Shoal Creek Conservation Education Center. Drop by any time between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to purchase native plants for your landscaping needs. Vendors will offer hardy plants native to Missouri and will also provide information about the benefits of planting native species. You can also pre-order the native plants and they will be available for you to pick up during the same time. Just contact one of the following vendors to check what they have available to purchase for your landscaping project, purchase your plants, and they will deliver them here for you to pick up.
Missouri Wildflower Nursery, Jefferson City, MO, 573-496-3492,
Ozark Soul Native Plants, Thornfield, MO, 816 809-4062,
You will need to purchase plants from the above vendors by Tuesday, May 23, 2023 for delivery on May 27.